Well, Drew survived being on a trip with the 5 crazy Bertagnolli girls, and my feet survived 5 days of walking through San Diego! I only had to move my wedding ring to my pinky one day :) This trip was much needed! I LOVED having a whole week off of work, and I re-energized my family battery!! I love being around my mom and sisters, we feed off of each other's energy so much. I wish I could see them more than a weekend every month or so. Poor Drew was such a trooper through it all, he had a great time being the designated navigator, protector from the bums once it got dark, and representative of the men in our family.
We spent as much time as we could just going, GOING, and going. Our days were spent at Sea World, the beach and pier, the HUGE Zoo, then the temple and a Padre's game. Yes, there was plenty of eating, sun burning, and calorie burning (WALKING) in between.
Only 9 1/2 weeks or so to go! We're hoping for a little less though.