Monday, May 31, 2010

My Amazingly Talented Husband...oh and Graduation too!

So I would just like to take a few seconds and brag about my talented husband! My mom has had this armour for her tv in her front room for about five years now and she has always wanted bookshelves to go on either side of it. She ordered it from a lady who ordered it from a guy who seems to have fell off the face of the earth. Lucky for us (or my mom) we have an amazingly talented Drewby right at our finger tips. So these pictures are of Drew's hard work, he built and painted the book cases on either side of the armour. It was a little bit stressful at times because the paint-stain mixture were very, VERY hard to match. It took a while but they are finally finished. I'm so proud of Drew, he worked so hard to make these babies match to a "T" I can't wait til we have a house and he can start building all our fun furniture!


Mitch and Serretta Barlow said...

Love the graduation picture! And the shelves? Amazing! Seriously, you would have no idea that they were made separately! He should come and make some shelves for me! ha ha.

Chelsea said...

Wow, I am way impressed!! It seriously looks like it came as one unit! You're so lucky to have a handy-man.