I vow to be better at blogging...sorry fellow bloggers. Don't cut me from your friend list just yet!!
Monday, November 15, 2010
I vow to be better at blogging...sorry fellow bloggers. Don't cut me from your friend list just yet!!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
This summer has been so much fun so far! I can't believe July is almost over :( so sad because Drew doesn't get August as part of his summer, football starts August 1st. So I'm happy we've been able to do the things that we have done. We started it all out with the summer games fireworks and then Bailey and Taylor's wedding, which was so much fun. We were so happy to be able to be a part of everything. And now they live in St. George so they're not too far away! Last weekend we were able to get up to Navajo Lake, which is only a half hour away. It was so much fun, our first time camping on our own. We fished, made Hobo dinners, and the yummiest s'mores ever!! Our campsite was right by the lake and we just had a blast. Hopefully we can get away like that again soon. I think I'm repeating myself but I've LOVED our summer so far! Happy Summer everyone!
Monday, May 31, 2010
My Amazingly Talented Husband...oh and Graduation too!

So I would just like to take a few seconds and brag about my talented husband! My mom has had this armour for her tv in her front room for about five years now and she has always wanted bookshelves to go on either side of it. She ordered it from a lady who ordered it from a guy who seems to have fell off the face of the earth. Lucky for us (or my mom) we have an amazingly talented Drewby right at our finger tips. So these pictures are of Drew's hard work, he built and painted the book cases on either side of the armour. It was a little bit stressful at times because the paint-stain mixture were very, VERY hard to match. It took a while but they are finally finished. I'm so proud of Drew, he worked so hard to make these babies match to a "T" I can't wait til we have a house and he can start building all our fun furniture!
Monday, April 19, 2010
I FINALLY got my graduation announcements finished. I know there aren't too many but I didn't really know who to send them to and those ELEVEN were a lot of work!! I decided to make them because SUU's announcements were UGLY!! And I didn't want to waste my money on ugly! Me and my sisters got a cricut for Christmas and I love it! It helped so much, too bad I have to share with my two sisters that are at the other end of the state ;) that's ok though! I never really got into scrapbooking, but making cards is fun! I also love that no two cards are exactly alike!
Only three more days of class, can't believe it! It is so surreal. But I still haven't found a job so keep your fingers crossed for me guys. See ya!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
School...school...and some more school!
I would also like to say, “HOLY COW” about all the school stuff going on between mine and Drew’s families. Here goes…Drew’s older brother, Nick is accepted to Portland for Nurse Anesthetist school, his mom is accepted to U of U’s Master of social work program, his sister Karlie got accepted to Weber State’s dental hygiene program, his other sister Alissa is trying to decide which school to accept a basketball scholarship to, and my brother, Shayden is going to attend Auburn University in Alabama to get a Masters (and maybe a PhD) in Marriage and Family Counseling, I’m graduating, and my little sister Kailee will be going to USU in the fall with my other sister, Tawny. Together now…”HOLY COW.” I feel like my Bachelor’s degree is nothing compared to all of them. Congrats family, that is so awesome!! I’m proud to call you my family :)
Sunday, February 21, 2010
That Dumb Scale!!

So about a month ago I got a thing in the mail that said I could try out the new snap fitness in Cedar City for free if I participated in a "fitness study." The only requirement was that you couldn't currently be working out (for once that played in my favor!). So I've been doing that the last three weeks, three times a week, and I've been going to the funnest thing ever...ZUMBA...with my friend Brea twice a week. Last week I worked out 6 out of the 7 days! I'm really trying to get back into shape and seriously, I don't think I have sweated (doesn't sound right) that much since cheerleading in high school-I'm not a big sweater-but I've been dripping sweat after Zumba and my workouts at Snap. Yesterday was my last day at the fitness study and I decided to weigh myself on the same scale I weighed myself on last week and (no need for a drum roll) it turns out I gained a freaking pound!!! I didn't even lose a single pound. Drew says this is because muscle weighs more than fat and I probably got a lot more muscley. I think he was just trying to make me feel better. The frustrating thing is that I know I'm capable of weighing a lot less. I don’t want to tell you how much weight I’ve gained since I got married. Yes, I look okay in clothes, but summer is coming quickly and I am nowhere near bikini ready. Yes, I am trying to help my husband gain more weight by making him fattening food, but I don’t want that to be my excuse. Yes, I probably love chocolate way too much but what girl doesn’t? Yes, my 8 month pregnant friend weighs just 5 pounds more than me. Yes, if you haven't noticed yet, I am venting!!! HELP!! What’s the secret?? Ha ha…I need some words of encouragement…or something! If you've gotten this far, thanks for listening!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Valentine's Weekend
Oh! But i forgot to finish what we did Saturday! Drew made breakfast then I cut his hair, got ready, and we went and washed my filthy car. Then we went and loaded up on medicine (cuz we are both so sick!) and went to Chili's (my chicken was in the shape of a heart) and then to Valentine's Day! I've heard a few people say they hated that movie but I just loved it! I laughed and cried too! Anyways, we had an awesome weekend and hope that you did too!!
Trotting the Globe to Cedar City
Oh and the last picture is of Drew and two of his favorite things...snow and that darn jeep :)
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Oh December...
Life in Roy was spent playing A LOT of cards and games! We also went to the lights at Temple Square, we went to a performance by the Utah Symphony, ate WAY too much food, went snowboarding for the first time in two years (since junior high for Drew), went to the temple, , went to the cute lil' Bee's cafe in Roy with mine and Drew's parents, went bowling and to Ligori's for Whitney's birthday, got some pictures taken by the wonderful Kelli Willard (KelliWillardphotography.blogspot.com), made lots of Christmas candy, played in the snow with Bella, did LOTS of shopping, watched 24 into the wee hours of morning, Bertagnolli family Christmas party (always a hoot!), tested out my new sewing machine (which was a lot of fun, I'm a little nervous to use it without my mom standing by, but excited to try new things), and not to mention all of the Christmas festivities! Sometimes it's a little stressful dividing the time between whose parents' house we will be spending time at but I've come to the realization that it will never be exact and you're never going to make everyone happy. We had a nice Christmas Eve dinner with my family and played the present game, opening some awesome yoga pants (does this mean I have to take up Yoga? I think not! ha!), did a little Christmas mischief, and headed over to ma and pa Willards to watch a movie and hit the hay. The tradition in Drew's family is that they get to go get their stockings in the middle of the night so Drew headed up at 3:30 a.m. and got his then we went back to sleep. We opened all our presents there and then headed over to my Grandpa's house to visit with my extended family. Then finally at about 3:00 we went to my mom's house to do our Christmas there. We opened my stocking at about 6:00 so our Christmas day lasted a very long time, lots of fun!
I'm so grateful for FAMILY! My family is incredible and I love spending time with everyone. i hate that it can't be more often but it's also fun to be able to stay for a while. I hope you all had a great Christmas! And HAPPY NEW YEAR! Bring it on SUU, here goes my last semester!